Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

Spiderman The Red Power Ranger

China has the Power Rangers recruiting Spiderman to be the red Ranger in this 5 pack action figure set. He can’t be the blue Ranger since there is already a blue one. Sure, there are slight differences in the Spiderman costume, like the white spider on his chest instead of black, but it’s Spiderman. I don’t watch the Power Rangers to know which series these comes from, let alone if they’re even correct.

This is a set of five action figures. The arms are movable and maybe their heads but the legs are fixed.

Spiderman As The Red Power Ranger
“Go Go Peter Parker”

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2 Responses to “Spiderman The Red Power Ranger”

  1. Henry says:

    they’re all the same figure but they’re painted to look like rangers.

    blue is from power ranger mystic force (even though mystic blue is a girl lol)

    black is from dino thunder

    the others? No clue. Green looks liek it has the helmet from Lost Galaxy maybe.

  2. Diego says:

    Well, that is funny, but i would put spiderman’s blue part as black to make him fit more.

    And the rangers…

    The blue is a repainted red mystic force
    The black ir a repainted red dino thunder ranger
    The other two are just generic creations… Well, the green looks like the green ranger from the comic “jetman”

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