Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

Skateboarding Spiderman

Spiderman SkateboardingThe Spiderman dollar store toys haven’t run out yet! Spiderman is back and this time he’s riding a skateboard. Oh yes, Spiderman is riding a skateboard. This toy from the dollar store features everyone’s favorite webslinger riding on one of those long skateboards. Actually, it also looks like a surfboard with wheels. A turbo skateboard or surfboard judging by the boxed compartment around the back wheels. But, this isn’t just a skateboard with Spiderman on it you push around, it has a special feature that many toys from the dollar store have.

Skateboarding Spiderman Pull Back ActionIt’s got the infamous pull back action! You might remember this feature from the build a copter toy. The boxed compartment is where the pull back action mechanics are housed. The pull back action is supposed to allow the toy to be pulled back, so the wheels build up some power, then let go to see it propel itself forward. Unfortunately, it sucks just like the helicopter version did.

Toy Helicopter Front ViewThe helicopter toy looks like it has training wheels so when you pull back on it, the wheels don’t roll backwards to get anything charged up, the toy is too light. Even when you push down on the toy, the wheel rod just bends and it feels like it’s going to break. The same is true for the Spiderman toy. Don’t get me wrong, it does actually work, they just need to change the name from “pull back” action to “pick up the toy and carefully turn the wheels as if it’s pulling back” action.

Spiderman Skateboard Art

He probably spent the money on making the skateboard look instead of building it to work. What good is the look of something if it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do well?

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