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Pocket Basketball Game

Pocket Basketball GameAnother in a long line of handheld or desktop games is the pocket basketball game. This is a small basketball game that folds up into a handy little rectangular box and fits into your pocket so you can take it anywhere. I don’t really trust it in my pants pocket though. I feel like if I sit the wrong way it will crack the plastic. Would fit nicely in a jacket pocket.

Good luck playing it on anything that’s not stationary. It’s not meant for play while traveling in a car or walking down the street unlike the 2D flip puzzle. The 2D flip puzzle can take a few bumps here and there but not the pocket basketball game. It’s hard enough to play when it is not shifting around.

Pocket Basketball Game Front View Pocket Basketball Game Side View

They sure do fit a lot into that small case. It flips up into a mini version of one of those basketball nets you see at Chuck E Cheese. You get three balls and the flipper is used to get the baskets.

Pocket Basketball Game Flipper In Pocket Basketball Game Flipper Out

Here is a video of me trying it out.

If you are having trouble getting them in, you can adjust the position of the flipper from a closer spot to farther out. I found I actually had an easier time getting them in when the flipper was further out.

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  1. Toys Basketball Game | Dollar Store Toy Box - [...] off the trail of the Pocket Basketball Game and the awesome video I made for it, here’s another basketball…

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