Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

Five Below

Discount stores generally supply wares for adults and toys for children, but the teenager group is usually left with very little to choose from. That is, unless you go to a Five Below, a value store for teenagers.

They have over 80 stores and they offer thousands of trendy products for teens or pre-teens including sporting goods, fashion accessories and games. Selling just about anything a teenager might be looking for, they also supply other wares such as computer software, multimedia accessories and room decor. One thing you probably won’t find here is toys. They just aren’t something teenagers are looking for.

Their name comes from their pricing scheme, nothing over five dollars. They boast you won’t pay more than five dollars for the highest quality and trendiest items out there. Not having been there, I can’t confirm nor deny that claim.

Their tagline is “Hot Stuff. Cool Prices” and it’s basically a play on temperature. Their name and even their logo has a temperature related feel to it. The “O” in “below” is designed like the degree symbol and the white and blue coloring makes you think of cold, five below.

If you’re looking for a store near you, they have a handy store locator on their website here. You can search using your zip code and set a range of miles around that zip code or you can search by state, by selected one of the eight states available, and find all stores located in that state.

Anyone been there and can give it a thumbs up or thumbs down?

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