Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

New Concept Bike

Take a look at this new bike. Just look at this contraption of a dollar store toy. You need to see this thing before I can even talk about it. This is definitely a new concept for a bike. Since when do you see multiple feet making up the wheels of a bike. It looks like something Willy Wonka would have invented up with for his chocolate factory. If you have seen the movie(the one with Gene Wilder, not the one Johnny Depp, although I was sure they have wacky stuff to), you’ll know what I mean.

New Concept Bike Assembled

Two words, Oh God!

Not since I was first shown the treadmill bike have I seen such horror when it comes to new bicycle concepts. In case you have not heard of the treadmill bike, let me fill you in.

A treadmill bike in actionThis is a bicycle that, instead of sitting down and pedaling, you stand on a treadmill and walk or run to propel the bike forward. Fortunately, they showed clips of the treadmill bike in use so I didn’t need to test ride it. The people looked so ridiculous riding these things. It shows them running really fast but going very slow. It makes me think of trying to drink and chew at the same time. It slows you down and you look stupid doing it. But enough about the treadmill bike, onto the New Concept Bike thing.

Ok, so this think looks like a regular bike except for the wheels. As you may have noticed, the wheels are a series of feet. Didn’t notice? Ok, go back and look, I will wait.

I can’t help but shake my head when looking at it, sitting there in the package laughing at me. First of all, why is it called “New Concept 3i<E”? I guess the new concept bike calls for a new concept language. Secondly, there is an extremely out of place kid with a new concept hat on. The package also boasts 2 styles, but I could only find the one.

New Concept Bike Package Title
How about putting the kid on it to make it look realistic?

There were more than 2 variations on colors for the feet and frame so the style is not referring to the color of the bikes. It also comes with the pedals and handle bar covers so there is some assembly required which might deter lazy people. In trying to find something good to say about this new concept bike, at least I can say it is a “step up” from the treadmill bike, since it looks like it works like a regular bike. I would not try and hop up curbs, though. Time it wrong and things can get painful, but probably no more painful than riding the thing without looking stupid.

New Concept Bike Pieces
99% of the fun is putting it together.

There is not really much you can do with the new concept bike other than putting it together. You can’t ride it so all you can really do is push it around. It could be fun to strap a pedometer to it. You could totally fudge your pedometer numbers, but I’m not sure I would want to take it off any sweet jumps. The 11 inch army guy almost fits on it nicely.

Army Solider on the New Concept Bike
At least someone wants to give it a try

Which bike looks more ridiculous, the new concept bike or the treadmill bike?

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One Response to “New Concept Bike”

  1. Liz says:

    You already know how I feel about this one 😛 I have no idea whoever thought a kid would think this was fun! I do like 11.5 inch army guy riding it, though! Rich!


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