Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

Mini Magnetic Dart Game

This post is going to be fun considering not long ago magnetic dart boards took a hit as a recent toy recall. Not that I am trying to recommend dollar store toys to anyone anyway. I am making fun of them. Besides, this was not the one to be recalled(yet).

Desktop Darts GameAnyway, the issue with the magnetic darts is the magnets at the end of the darts were coming off and presenting a hazard to kids who are prone to putting small things in their mouths. This pretty much includes all kids(magnetic darts are much safer than their stabby cousins huh). Although, this is kind of odd since even a toy dart board is not meant for a young child and any child using the dart board would probably be within range of being smart about not putting things in their mouth. But I suppose they might have younger siblings to watch out for.

And here I am with a set of magnetic darts and a dart board.

Desktop Darts Game OpenedThe front of the case makes reference to including three safe darts. They may be safe if you get hit by one, compared to a sharp metal point, but not when the magnets come off the darts and those magnets are swallowed.

The dart board opens up to a nice decent looking board with a pink, blue and yellow dart stuck in the sleeve of the case. Unfortunately, there is no locking of game board when you open it. This means you won’t be able to set it up and play anywhere. It has to be propped up against a wall or something so it doesn’t fall back when the darts hit.

Desktop Dart Game PlayedIf you have never played real darts before, the instructions are on the back of the case. It will probably take some time to get used to throwing the darts and hitting the mini dart board. The darts are about as long as a kid’s finger.

If you look at the picture on the left, you can see the darts on the board. The blue is on the bullseye. The darts themselves actually stick with the magnets on the end. Sadly, I figured they would. But I guess if you are going to ignore the warnings about magnetic darts, at least you know this one works.

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