Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

Lead Paint and Lead Poisoning Warning

By now, most people have heard of at least one of the many recalls on toys that were made in China. Certain toys made in China have been found to have high levels of lead in the paint used on the toys. This high level of lead in the paint could cause lead poisoning if not handled correctly, especially with children.

Children like to put things in their mouth and toys coated with lead paint should be taken away immediately. Handling them can be pretty risky as well. It seems everything you find in a dollar store is made in China so one must wonder if the paint used on them contains lead. That’s not to say that China is the only country where toys are being recalled.

Superman uses x-ray vision on a toy with high lead content
“On the next adventure of Superman…..”

I started collecting the dollar store items long before I heard of the recalls so to make the purchases worthwhile, I will still post them but I am going to be very careful how I handle them. I don’t really want to get lead poisoning showing everyone dollar store toys. Keep that in mind, people. I am putting myself in danger to bring you these for your entertainment and curiosity. Then again, what interest would there be if it was totally safe? Just make sure you take a look at what you are getting since I know interest is going to peak once I start posting these gems. There is a good chance the clerk is not going to know if you ask about the lead paint – that is, if you choose to ask.For more information(and your convenience), here is the link to about lead poisoning.

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  1. The Dollar Store Toy Box » Blog Archive » Toy Mobile Phone - [...] I think it is great that superheroes are chipping in to fix this problem. I mean look at how…
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