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Israeli Cereal At A Dollar Store

I’ve mentioned several times that it seems most of the really entertaining stuff ends up in the American dollar stores, but then again, I find some stuff I can’t seem to find anywhere else online so either no one has posted it or it isn’t around.

I tend to avoid any food isles the dollar stores might have in favor of the toy section, but maybe I have to start taking a closer look since Joe Eskenazi came across boxes of cereal from Israel at a One $ Store in San Francisco.

He comments on how the staff didn’t want to go into the details of how they got it, but with some investigating, it seems it may not be from Israel. The cereal was manufactured in St. Louis by a company that owns Post, the well known cereal maker, and it gets imported to Israel by Monday, Ltd. Monday is the most prominent word on the box, dwarfing even the name of the cereal, Coco Crunchies, and at the very top.

The store staff did say that the cereal is very sweet and sells really well, and why not, it looks like Cocoa Puffs or Cocoa Pebbles.

At least they weren’t called Caco Crunchies.

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