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Halloween Fake Teeth Recalled

Ever heard of individuals that were bitten by a Werewolf would become a Werewolf themselves? Well forget turning into a Werewolf, being bitten by these fake teeth could cause lead poisoning. The person wearing the fake teeth in the first place could also get lead poisoning from wearing them.

Fake TeethHalloween novelty fake teeth have been recalled due to a high lead content. The recall was issued early this morning, Halloween Day, because the teeth contained 100 times the lead allowed. It contains 100 times the amount of lead? How does that happen?

It should go without saying that it would be unwise to put those fake teeth in your mouth since traces of lead could easily be ingested. The big issue with lead paint on toys is that kids might put them in there mouth. Who would expect something meant to go in your mouth would contain lead paint at all?

It is unfortunate that the recall comes this late in the month. Many of the Halloween festivities were done this past weekend when people would have dressed up for parties and with the recall happening so early in the day, the word might not get out in time to stop people from using them. When I was making my rounds in the dollar stores, I often wondered whether or not products like fake teeth or makeup used for Halloween costumes would be safe but I also thought, with all the toy recalls for high lead content, that products used on the skin would have been tested to make sure they were safe.

I am starting to wonder what issues there are going to be with Christmas just around the corner. I hope they start testing Christmas items to make sure they are safe.

Have a happy, safe and lead paint free Halloween.

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4 Responses to “Halloween Fake Teeth Recalled”

  1. Martin Vaniak says:

    I hope this is not the problem in Czechia!
    With best wishes,

  2. wolfgang says:

    This site is crazy. I das love der site. You I should start euro store toy box, lots of people in Bayern would like this something done.

    we had once ‘duke henry the lion’ in our areas and he did had bad teeth, people thinks he was a werewolf. I hope these teeth do not cause harm such as this.

    again site is crazy please more .


  3. GossipQueen says:

    I love this site…so much useful information..esp. for families with children…keep up the great work!

  4. GossipQueen says:

    I love this site.

    SO much useful information – esp. if you have kids!

    Keep up the great work!

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