Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

Dart Sniper Rifle

Dart Sniper Rifle ScopeWe’ve already covered some dart firing handguns and even a shotgun that fires the suction cupped darts. Now, here’s a sniper rifle that fires everyone’s favorite ammo, sticky suction cupped darts. This isn’t a Police Force brand sniper rifle or even a SWAT sniper rifle models, this sniper rifle is a Sacker Fighter sniper rifle from the novel product series of whatever.

Dart Sniper Rifle

It comes with the sniper rifle and three suction cupped darts to shoot. Unfortunately, they didn’t include any targets for shooting at. Oddly enough, for dollar store toys, very few of the guns were without any targets. I still have a bunch of targets from the other toys but you can really set up anything to shoot at. I do recommend firing at targets that won’t be damaged from being knocked over and, come on people, fire away from the face, away!

Dart Sniper Rifle With the Dart Shotgun

The dart sniper rifle is about the same size as the dart shotgun, slightly smaller but decent size. The sniper rifle also is loaded and operated the same way as the dart shotgun. Under the barrel of the rifle is the pump action grip. Load the dart, pull back the grip until it clicks then fire.

There is, however, one slight flaw with this sniper rifle that could have made this toy just a little better. That nice little scope on the top? The one that’s supposed to help you see targets from far away? Well, it’s just for show. There’s no glass, plastic or any other see-through material within the scope. It’s completely hollow.

I’m going to put this pen into the Dart Sniper Rifle’s scope

The dart sniper rifle scope doesn’t have any glass/magnification lens

Ok fine, for a cheap toy they may not have wanted to add some magnification, but even just some plastic or glass so it looks like it could be something. I guess it’s not that big of a deal, you’ll never be far enough away that you will need visual assistance since it’s only got a 10 to 15 foot range. Mind you, that range isn’t bad for a dollar store toy, it’s across the average room.

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One Response to “Dart Sniper Rifle”

  1. faisal says:

    we are looking for
    air operated rifle


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