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Canada Now Has Product Safety Act

New terms of legislation took effect Monday that allows Ottawa to remove bad products from stores where before they could only request that those products be removed by the manufacturers.

The new legislation is called the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and it covers certain household items, sporting goods, cribs and, naturally, bad toys. However, it doesn’t cover the recall of food, drugs, vehicles or the parts included with them as they have other legislation handling them.

This also lets them stop the import of dangerous products and keep them from getting on the shelves in the first place.

I’m surprised it has taken this long for this sort of legislation to be passed considering how long recalls and other bad products have been an ongoing issue.

When you look at the number of hazards that toys have been recalled for, you’d think they would have added legislation sooner than an incident in 2009 involving cribs.

Well, whatever the exact reason they started it and why it took so long to pass the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, it’s here now and hopefully they will put it to good use.

Only time will tell if they act on it and we see a decline in unsafe products on our store shelves.

CTV has a news report on it here.

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