Reviews of Cheap Toys and More

Build A Toy Helicopter

The Build A Copter is exactly what it sounds like – you build a helicopter. You get all the parts needed to build the copter, including some instructions that require a magnifying glass and a screwdriver for the screws. This one is full of small parts that are choking hazards so make sure you don’t give this to your kids if they are under 3 years old because it is not meant for children under 3 years.

Toy Helicopter Age WarningSurprisingly, it’s meant for ages 6 and up, leaving children either 4 or 5 wondering why they can’t build the helicopter. Sorry, Billy you are only 5, you have to be 6 years or older to build this helicopter. Kids who are 4 and 5 years old, smart enough not to eat the pieces but not smart enough to put it together.

Toy Helicopter Pieces
Isn’t that nice, they took into account you might need a mini screwdriver and included one.

I can’t wait to put this together because I am SOOOOOOOOO looking forward to the helicopter’s pull back action. Pull that copter back and watch it drive along the ground. That is what all good helicopters do, drive.

Included in the package are the instructions to build the helicopter. Nevermind they are very small and hard to see, some individuals may need it. Personally I don’t know what is worse, having instructions you can’t read or actually figuring it out yourself. Besides, what is written on the instructions make no sense whatsoever.

Toy Helicopter Building Instructions
Smaller than a credit card. No I am not taking a picture of it next to my credit card.
To avoid eye strain in trying to figure it out, here is what the text says:

At assemble others that process inside. If feel difficult, please face home to look for the help. The sketch map possibility that this assemble the method is different from the actual product have a little bit.

Glad I don’t need the instructions to make this thing. Most kids probably wouldn’t either. It took all of a couple minutes to build. The hard part was jamming the pull back action wheels into the bars since the holes in the wheels were smaller than the rod.

Toy Helicopter Side View
Toy Helicopter Side View

Toy Helicopter Top View
Toy Helicopter Top View

Toy Helicopter Front View
My God, it has training wheels!

Not only does the helicopter have wheels, they are spread out like training wheels making it difficult to use the well promoted pull back action on the toy. You need to push down on it to get some friction going however, pushing down bends the bars on the training wheels so the wheels may fall off. When you can get it to work, by being very careful, it does actually drive a few inches. It does look decent though and it comes in other paint jobs to, probably lead paint jobs.

Having the customer build the toy is one way to save costs to keep it at a buck but it is only a step up from the toy you get in a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg. They have toys you build to and at least I would have gotten chocolate out of the deal.

Or, you could always build one out of paper. It’s Safer and more fun, unless you get a paper cut.

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4 Responses to “Build A Toy Helicopter”

  1. Aduragbemi Amo says:

    I want the procedures on how to make a toy helicopter

  2. yogish says:

    kindly explain me the resources required & the procedure for making a flying toy helicopter/plane

  3. Qwerty says:

    I used to have one of these… never knew what happened to it.

  4. joshua says:

    Do These Exist in canada?


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